
A book review Posted by Lena Barinova on October 13, 2013 Books

Recently I’m very interested in an alternative management, there are plenty names for it: “no management”, “unboss”, “management 3.0”. All these terms basically have the same meaning - nonhierarchical, open, title-less leadership based on reaching the higher goal and following values.


The most recent book I’ve read on this topic - “UNBOSS” by Lars Kolind and Jacob Botter. In this blog post I want to share some ideas and quotes that I’ve found useful and inspiring.

“What rules could we get rid of today that would enhance our ability to create value?” We should ask ourselves that question, because the rules may in fact be based on assumptions that we need to drop.

question the rules you have, in other words - make a recurrent rules clean-up and get rid of those - that doesn’t create value for you.

Tomorrow’s manager has to liberate his staff, give them time and space to organize their own work and how they do it.

this is definitely not new one - give the right environment and empower your team to make decisions and they will do their best.

..make sure that all of the bricklayers know that they’re building a magnificent cathedral, not just laying brick on brick for eight hours a day.

oh this I like a lot. I always remind my colleagues - try to see the big picture, don’t get stuck in narrow area, your decisions may be different when you see big.

You make more money by putting passion before profit.

Any organization can be made meaningful – if not, it should die.

these I like the most. Very often we hear that money do not drive, but still we usually put money first.

Some more good quotations:

If the company I work for is doing well, then my opportunities to develop professionally and personally are better.

The most talented people usually leave their jobs in response to a specific event. This fits very badly with a mindset that says you only hire when there is a vacancy. Instead, you should change the strategy from occasional hiring to constant hiring.

I see these ideas as very generic ones and I believe that everyone can start implementing them in their environment. You don’t need to be a CEO to emphasize the value your work brings. If you want to change the world - start from yourself but think big.

More about the book on unboss.com.